Austin LGBT Wedding Photographer

September 8, 2023

Looking for the best Austin LGBT Wedding Photographer?

We are an LGBT-owned company!

If you can’t tell by all of the gay everywhere on my website, Creatrix Photography is the best Austin LGBT wedding photographer company, plus, it’s an LGBTQIA+-owned wedding business!

Before I moved to Austin, I identified as cis-hetero. Now? I identify as trans. See, when I moved to Austin, there was a lot about myself I wasn’t aware of. In 2016, I moved to Austin, fresh out of a divorce and having no real clue who I was (but I thought I did!). By 2017, I discovered polyamory.

The local Austin polyamory community is filled with all kinds of people. Some are just trash pandas in human meat suits (no offense to raccoons). Others encouraged me and gave me the space to discover myself.

From 2017 to the present, I’ve explored my own gender identity, as well as my own sexual orientation. Currently, I just identify as queer all around. Genderqueer, queer for other humans, queer in the way I view the world.

I remember the first time I told my mom I was queer. It was my first time telling her I was dating a woman. She asked what my identity was (more like, “What does that mean??”) and I told her I identify as queer. She gasped and said, “JENNA. YOU CAN’T SAY THAT.” hah! I assured her that it was acceptable for me to identify as queer.

That’s the funny thing about society and the rapid evolution we’ve gone through. Five years ago, LGBT weddings were legalized but before that? Good luck. Since I started my company in Hawaii, I had the honor of shooting same-sex weddings before most states. Of course, I don’t call them same-sex anymore, as it isn’t trans-friendly.

I get into debates about the term same-sex with clients/vendors/friends/strangers on the internet, but I’m unlikely to change my mind. By unlikely, I mean I won’t. Unless you begin to ask people what kind of genitals they own, you have zero clue if they’re same-sex. I strongly advise against doing genital checks. Hah!

In Austin, there are a lot of LGBT weddings. I’m loving how the photography industry has mostly embraced it, albeit it’s more about money for some. You know what I mean. Pride Month at Target anyone??

However, we have to take the wins where we can find them! I do have a running list of Austin LGBT-friendly wedding vendors. Everyone, there is vetted, so you can contact them without worrying if they’ll start quoting the Bible at you.

One of my favorite things is an LGBT wedding. There is almost always some heartbreak, i.e. family being assholes, HOWEVER, that means whoever comes to the shindig is even more important.

Even more dedicated to the commitment with your partner. Something has to be said for friends and fam that show up to LGBT weddings. The interesting part is that in my experience at least, LGBT weddings tend to still have traditional aspects to them.

Of course, my theory is that because it was outlawed for so long, it’s nice for people to finally have access to these long-awaited traditions for heteros. Of course, while I respect tradition, I do recommend you learn a bit about them.

Some are horrific and not a good fit for modern weddings. I even wrote a blog about the history of the wedding cake, which represented a woman’s virginity!


It’s just fun to learn where some of these traditions come from. Plus, when you’re educated, you can make better decisions concerning what is a good fit for you and your partner.

The beauty of 2024 and being LGBT is that you have the opportunity to make your OWN traditions. I’m still waiting for people to decide to light a communal fire, to represent their burning love. And then making s’mores over said fire. Burning the marshmallows will NOT be a metaphor, I swear.

Austin LGBT Wedding Photographer

My main concern, as always, is for my community to feel safe while planning their event. I’ve heard so many horror stories about vendors being rude to potential clients, shaming them for loving someone they don’t approve of. As if their singular judgment in this vast universe actually means anything.

What I want to do is continuously educate vendors in the industry on how to be more inclusive, and welcoming, and provide actual equal service. One day, we won’t need to label LGBT events as anything other than just, “an event.” Wouldn’t that be rad?

Until then, I am a member of the Austin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, I help educate my industry on the proper inclusivity language and help provide an unwavering stellar service for all of my clients, regardless of orientation or lifestyle.

I’ve also built a brand specifically created to repel bigots and most conservatives. Politics are really big for my company and that can be a make/break for some potential clients. That’s okay with me. Black Lives Matter. All love is created equal. There’s no such thing as an illegal alien. Children don’t belong in cages. Mental health should be normalized.

Even if you aren’t LGBT and looking for an Austin LGBT Wedding Photographer, I’d still love to chat with you.

Head over to my Instagram to keep in touch! Hell, sometimes people even just send random emails to chat. My inbox is open and waiting. I’m ready to listen and support if you need it. If you have any questions, as a vendor or (potential)client, please send me an email.

I’m totally into a good discussion and helping people find resources! In the end, it’s all about supporting one another on this tiny spiraling rock in the middle of the vast.

Searching for the best Austin LGBT wedding photographer?

Go ahead and contact us! 


Austin LGBT Wedding Photographer

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