Here are some super fun Wedding Grand Exit Ideas!
It’s the end of the night, you’re feeling buzzed on booze and high on life. Your friends and family are ready to hit the road, so it’s time to leave in style. What kind of grand exit do you choose??? That’s what this blog is going to be all about. First, though, I would like to educate you as to why you should not choose a sparkler exit.
Sparklers are dangerous as hell.
This year, I saw a bride’s hair catch on fire. I’ve had multiple guests almost injure me. I’ve had to cuss out a drunk male guest who thought it would be funny to point a sparkler directly at my face. I’ve had a kid almost take out my eye because he was so short, that’s as high as the sparkler went. I do not like sparklers. They burn over 3k degrees and you’re handing them to drunk guests late at night. What could go wrong? LOL Venues hate them, vendors hate them, they’re dangerous. It’s why I charge $200 to shoot them. I’ll need some extra cash if/when a guest injures me. So let’s look at some gorgeous alternatives!
Looking for other ways to make your event more memorable? Here are some tips on how to add special touches on your wedding day!
Are Fake Grand Exits A Good Idea?
A common concern for couples is whether or not they should have a fake exit. There are a few reasons this might be a great choice:
- Your wedding photographer’s contract ends early, but you want the exit photos
- Your guests might leave early and you won’t have anyone around for it
Another concern is whether or not a fake grand exit will encourage the party to end early. Honestly? Sometimes it might, but that’s usually when people are ready to leave anyway. The true partiers will stay and hang out with you, I promise. A good compromise can be a group photo on the dance floor, using glow sticks or bubbles to add fun effects.
Boy oh boy, I love bubbles!! THEY’RE SO FUN! They glisten with rainbow colors, they’re safe and put everyone in a good mood. They’re my favorite option for exits! Plus, everyone likes to blow bubbles, right?
You can either buy little bottles of bubbles or you can also get bubble machines if you want the images to have an intense amount of bubbles. I like either option, to be honest, so choose what makes you happy!

Of course, let’s not get all fascist here. However, I LOVED this exit for Drew and Dawnielle. All of the LGBT pride, none of the dangerous fire! But you don’thave to do LGBT flags, although, as you can see, the color really made this moment and shot pop!
Dried Flowers
Oh what fun when it comes to wedding grand exit ideas! Plus, it’s biodegradable! It IS messy, but the photos are a blast, even at night! Plus, it smells soooo good. The flowers in this photo were lavender and it smelled heavenly. You can buy petals/seeds online. Ask your wedding planner if they have any resources!
As a side note, though, some venues don’t allow this (or bird seed), so make sure to check with your venue first.

Flower Petals
These are certainly an option, but it isn’t my favorite, simply because of the shadows they create. Would be an excellent choice for during the day, but perhaps let’s avoid them at night. Also biodegradable and smells great!!!
You can either buy flowers and pluck them yourself or you can ask your florist if they’re able to offer pre-plucked petals to save yourself time.
Pop Streamers
I REALLY liked these! They pop out of the container, but can then be pulled back in. Perfect for a no-mess type of grand exit! Let me know if you’d like to use these. A planner I’m friends with found the ones below, and I’d never seen them before.
Streamers in general are a great idea!

One of my favorite nerdy wedding grand exit ideas! A perfectly nerdy exit! It was such a blast! I’ve done a few weddings with this as an exit and it’s always so much fun! Plus, if you get enough or have a small enough wedding, these could be great wedding favors for people to take home!
I once took home some and my kids played Jedi until they couldn’t work anymore. It was so fun.
A Group Shot on the Dance Floor!
This can always be a blast and is a pretty popular choice for clients looking to have a fake exit, but not use sparklers outside! Try and get everyone into the shot, have glow sticks/bubbles/etc and just have a grand time! Plus, who doesn’t want a photo of everyone who was there on your big day?!
You can have your DJ announce the shot over the mic and make sure to let friends/fam ahead of time, as well.

MORE Light Sabers
I mean, does this need any further explanation?!!? Maybe I’m just trying to convince all of my clients to use lightsabers….
Paper Streamers
Perfect for a day time exit! Easy to clean up too! Perfect for a touch of whimsy at your brunch wedding! You can get them in your wedding colors, as well, to stay on theme. If you’re lucky, it’ll be a windy day, making it even more flowy in the images!

A Champagne Pop
This wedding with Ashley and Guy was so memorable, especially for this shot. While the conditions were just right to make this epic shot, I’ve been able to duplicate it a couple of times. Let’s just use cheap champange, shall we?
And yes, there’s a possibility you’ll get wet. If you’re afraid of a little wet, then this definitely isn’t an exit for ya!
Jumping Into The Pool
Surprisingly, at least for me, this is a far more popular option than people might imagine. Granted, it’s only for venues with pools, but it can be a fabulous way to keep the party going with excellent memories to boot!
Hell, you could be like Mariely and Andrew here, who not only jumped in the pool, they had a drag dancer serenade them! I’ve never seen anything like it and it was such a unique touch!

Wrapping Up
No matter the kind of grand exit you choose, it’s going to be amazing! Having a wedding day should be all about the fun. So go forth and plan a super unique grand exit idea.
If you’re looking for some other ways to make your wedding day more unique, make sure to check out these blogs: