I’ve been to 30+ countries and all over the U.S., but some moments are better than others. I want to share with you some of my favorites, with all kinds of photos. You can see all kinds of travel-themed blogs here, but this one focuses on my favorites. Most of the places I’ve been in the world have been entirely alone. I found myself traveling alone. I healed myself, traveling alone. I tell everyone, anyone, who will listen, that you should travel alone. You don’t know what you’re made of until you’re in a foreign country, without GPS, without a translator and you forgot the address to your hostel. Thanks, Italy. Really, though, if you haven’t traveled alone, please do it. For the future self you owe….yourself.
The first international trip I ever took was Germany. I couldn’t tell you why I chose Germany. I truly think it was just the Universe giving inspiration, because I also felt motivated to get my very first camera, which you can see hanging around my neck. Yes, I had a pop up flash type camera. LOL Traveling alone is where you find out who you are and Germany was a wonderful toe-dip into international travel. I even stayed at my first hostel in Frankfurt, which has an excellent story about me trying to outdrink a Kiwi.

After Germany, the travel bug BIT ME. Discovering the next location was so exciting. I remember the exact moment I realized I wanted to go to Europe again. I’m at work, in the Navy, and walking down a hallway when it hits me. This thought hit like lightning. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy, so why don’t I? The trip plan built and I booked a three-week vacation to London, Italy, and Greece. This photo is my first day in London. I’m exhausted, having travel 30+ hours from Hawaii, but I hadn’t wanted to miss an evening. So there I am, looking at the London Bridge, when lightning hits once more. I saved for this and made my goal happen. I can do anything. That moment was so intense, I had a stranger take a photo of me, forever freezing it for me to see. It was an amazing trip and I learned a LOT about myself that spring. A LOT.

The Sahara in Morocco
Morocco is many, many things. Beautiful, terrible, inspiring, difficult. I spent a couple of weeks traveling the country back in 2015, on my big 4-month international trip. It had been so overwhelmingly different from anything I had ever experienced before. The whole three weeks, I didn’t talk to a woman, at all. Yet, I found everyone to be kind and respectful. It gave me a very important firsthand experience with Arabic/Muslim culture that paved the way for me as a person.

Champagne, France
The best Thanksgiving of my life was 2015, in France. I had decided to take this small tour along the countryside and sample golden fizzy delights for the entire day. This is where I discovered my favorite champagne, Tattinger. I must have had over eleven glasses of champagne, but no hangover because $$$$ means good shit. It was just a wonderfully relaxed day.
Oh, Bruges. I’ll have to tell you, I’m not sure if my opinion of this adorable Belgium town is real or not, mainly because I was super high on shrooms while I was there. Around every corner was magic, the stunning winter light dazzling my very colorful brain. As I was headed out of the city, I saw this tree. I was/am convinced it was my soul tree. Is it, really? Who knows. All I know is that the tree and I had a moment.

Caye Caulker, Belize
Back in 2018, I was going stir crazy. It wasn’t clear at the time, but I was in a really toxic relationship. The one thing that always soothes my soul is sunshine and sand. So I booked this trip last minute and headed out to the unknown. I spent two days at Caye Caulker and boy, I wish it had been longer! I am beyond enamored with the colorful island, where I rode a bike around everywhere and stayed in a small cabin on the beach. As soon as the Corona Virus is gone, I’M SO GOING HERE. I miss the ocean.
When I found out my husband had cheated on me while I was off traveling, I promptly divorced him within 24 hours and booked a trip to Ecuador. Ecuador had actually been a trip I had tried to plan with multiple exes. Finally, I realized I needed to just do it. Go alone. So I spent New Years’ 2015/16 in Ecuador. Two whole weeks, seeing all sorts of things. The best day of my life was in Ecuador. I spent the morning white water rafting for the first time ever, following by afternoon canyoning, jumping off 9 waterfalls. Then, for dinner, I went to a local restaurant and had an incredible burrito, followed by the best bread pudding in my life. The day had been perfect, because it was the first in years, that I wasn’t anxious about a man while I was across the world. I love that day and I love Ecuador.

This trip is definitely top five. It was Josh and I’s first trip together. He hadn’t ever been to Colorado, so it was amazing to show him some things, while also discovering a ton together. It’s the best trip I’ve ever had with a partner. This particular moment, in this particular photo, is one of the mornings we had in a cabin within the Black Forest. We are both coffee nuts, so we would make coffee and then just watch the sun play through the pine needles. We were both so sad when that trip was over. I’d go back to Colorado with him in a heartbeat.