Get some yummy cake by these cake bakers in Austin!
Today, this week, this month, I’m focusing on deep breaths. In, out. In, out. All of my meditative practice has come in handy, while I dive into an entirely new part of my life. If you had told me six months ago, that my life would look completely different, with a new growing family and so many foundational people in my life gone…I would have straight up panicked. There is this tarot card app I’ve been using this year and sure, it may sound hoaky, but it legit predicted everything I’m going through. Not “you will breakup with this person and suddenly will have a new life” but it was far more ominous. Something foundational in your life is going to be destroyed. Don’t worry! Good shit is coming. Uh. Okay. Thanks cards….
I’ve gotten three Towers (thats what the Tower card predicted) this summer and boy, it’s always been right. Each time, I’ve looked at the card with fear. What did it mean? What more was foundational that I could spare? At the time, I didn’t think I could spare anything. Each time though, what I considered foundational was removed and I realized I could survive without it. Friends, a partner, a community. Gone. Goodbye. Adios.
And I’m still standing. I’m still here. That’s really all that matters. In life, everything is temporary. All of it. Pain, goodness, sadness, happiness…all coming and going, as the world works. Yet, each time something foundational was removed, something good took its place. A stronger relationship, more time for friends that actually care about me, a growing family in a way I could have never fathomed, more happiness than I ever thought myself worthy of. It’s all worth it. It’s worth the tears and stress. All of it. No ragrats.
You know what would have made this transition easier, but I can’t have? Cake. Man, some cake would have made this summer way easier. Alas, with my allergies, it’s just too difficult. HOWEVER, my dear reader, I bet you can have some cake. What do milestone moments like weddings or parties require? Sugary confections that make you go, “wow, my day just got even better.” Soft, delectable, sweet cake. Naturally, I don’t want my clients to suffer on their wedding day, so hire these cake bakers in Austin, to ensure your party is rad AF.

Cakes Rock!
Christy is one of the hardest working people I know and has competed on multiple cake baking shows, won many awards and just plain ROCKS! She can work with almost any dietary restriction and is well known for her gravity defying cakes. She’s also made UPSIDE DOWN CAKES. She is worth every single penny!

Sweet Treats Bakery
It’s a little difficult to see in this photo, but one of these cakes is an Armadillo. AN ARMADILLO WEDDING CAKE. How fun is that! Sweet Treats Bakery makes delicious cakes AND is LGBT friendly. All of my vendors listed are always LGBT friendly, but this particular photo shows all three cakes they made for Chris & Adam, who wanted all of the desserts on their wedding day!
Nothing Bundt Cake
Looking for something that is classy but an alternative to normal cake? Bundt cakes are where it’s at! What I love is that they also do is Bundtinis, which are a fabulous and adorable cupcake alternative!!! I’ve had quite a few clients have bundt cakes at their wedding and they work just as well as any ol’ cake!